10 First Day of School Traditions: Celebrate Your Little One’s First Day of School!
It’s that time of year again when we have to start getting ready for a new school year. How do you make going back to school fun for the littles? Do you have any first day of school traditions? Here is a list of 10 first day of school traditions for kids to enjoy.
1. All About Me

Download and print this lovely ‘All About Me‘ memory keeper for your child to fill out on their first day of school. Compile them together for your kids to enjoy looking back at and seeing what they were like and how they have changed (or not!).
2. First Day of School Photos

Remember their first day of school with a sign that shows their age/year and what they would like to be when they grow up. Take lots of photos to capture their first day. Collect their yearly photos and create a milestone memory box.
3. School-Ready Books

Leading up to the first day of school, especially if your child is going into Kindergarten or Year 1, reading some first day of school books might help them get ready for their big day.
4. Friendship Game

The Friendship Game is a cute idea to try on shy kids. Use a pillbox to fill with some treats and the incentive to get those treats. When they come home, they can tell you what they achieved that day, whether it was smiling at someone or saying hello to someone they didn’t know. They can then choose their reward from the treat box.

5. Secret Banana Message

Using a toothpick or something sharp, write a secret message on your child’s banana. By the time they go to eat it, the secret message will appear. Finding a surprise in their lunchbox might make going back to school easier.
6. Mini Schultüte

This is a German tradition where kids get a cone filled with treats and back-to-school items. It’s literally the sweetest first day of school gift!
7. Lunch Box Printable Notes

Download these cute printable lunch box notes to add some fun and extra love to your child’s lunchbox. Those fruit faces are adorable, aren’t they?!
8. Set up a Homework Station

Spend part of the school holidays planning and setting up an area where your kids can do their homework. Or surprise them by setting up a homework station while they are at school on the first day.
9. Make a Fun & Healthy Breakfast

Get your kids ready for their first day of school with a healthy yet fun breakfast like this Oatmeal Owl.
10. Back to School Celebration Cake

Surprise your kids when they come back from school with a First Day of School party! You can download and print these cute cake toppers to put on top of your cake or cupcakes and celebrate finishing their first day of school.
Need Some Back To School Tips and Hacks?
Check out our tips for a stress-free school morning routine! You’ll love our amazing back-to-school hacks for busy parents. These should help you breeze through the crazy back-to-school days!
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